Thursday, May 10, 2007

May Already??!!

Y'all!!! I can't believe it is May already!! Things have been very busy for the Morris'! Kimsey and Joshua are managing through this allergy season. We have decided to go ahead with allergy shots for Kimsey. She had some skin testing a couple weeks ago, and we discovered she is not allergic to ragweed which we thought was what put her in the hospital 4 times over the last 2 years. So, either GOD is healing her or we don't know what she is so allergic to! Time will tell on that this fall. Joshua is about to get tested so we can know what kind of milk to put him on. He is coming up on his first birthday! Can you believe it?

Andrew is doing great at his job. He is enjoying a fun softball season on the men's team at our church. I have been very busy leading my first women's Bible Study at church, working a couple nights a week waiting tables, and going to school a couple days a week. School is going great. Turns out I am a kiss up, and a straight A student now. Funny how a few years can change so much! So, that is us! We are all here, and I am so sorry it has been so long since I updated! I hope to hear from you all again soon!

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