Friday, February 16, 2007

And Kimsey Came Tumbling Down

We went out to dinner last night, and while trying to get both kids in the car in the freezing cold,
Kimsey lost her footing and tumbled out of the Suburban head first to the pavement. We are amazed and thankful that she wasn't hurt too bad. She has a big goose egg on her forehead and she scraped her nose pretty good. This morning, she was showing me her boo boos. I had to take a picture as she scrunched up her face to show me! Then, I had her smile, so you can see that she is okay! And, ofcourse we needed a picture of our handsome boy too! I actually took Joshua to the doctor yesterday afternoon because he had run a fever of 102 for 3 days. It turns out he has an ear infection. So, today we are all on the road to recovery!!


Alexis and Brandon said...
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Alexis and Brandon said...

Too stinking cute! I love it! I hope she gets to feeling better!