Kimsey and I have one celebrity face in common! This is my entertainment for the morning, and now I am off to work! I hope this brings a smile to your face! Give it a try yourself! What celebrities do you look like?
This is our little corner of this great big world, to share with you all what we are doing, & what is going on with us, so that we can keep up with all of you so dear to our hearts!
Our Family Verse
Psalm 1:1-3 "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yeilds its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
Keeping Calendar
Grandmother's Birthday! Feb. 7
Valentine's Day! -Feb. 14
Grandma and Grandad Coming for a Visit! -April 30
About Andrew
I've been working at Glorieta Conference Center for a year, and have enjoyed the adventure! It has been a year of new experiences, and I am looking forward to this next year! Round 2! I am still running, and I have a kayak to start hitting the rivers out west when things thaw out a little bit! I am going to give snowboarding a shot this year, and see if I can conquor a new sport! I love life out west and I love the snow!
About Holly
I am enjoying our experience out west! I am not very good with the snow and extremely cold weather, but I am making the best of it! My plan is to wear several layers and position myself in front of the fire to keep it going! The winter has a magical appearance out here, especially if you are not used to frequent snow! I love to read, and be in God's Word. I have ambitions of learning how to sew and make curtains for our home this year! Let's see how that works out!
About Kimsey
I am 4 years old, and growing up every minute! I love to sing and dance, and play with my brother! The snow is a new friend to me, and I'll get out and play anytime I get the chance! I love to make snow angels! Conference Center life is what I was born for! I have people coming to visit me all the time! I am going to start taking gymnastics soon, and in August, I'll start going to school! It's a big year for me!
About Joshua
I am 2 1/2 years old, and talking up a storm! I decided to do my own talking, so I repeat everything I hear! I love to play with Kimsey, she is my best friend! I play cars and dress up like a cowboy! Anything loud and including laughter is what I live for! I am very into Christmas and Santa Claus! This is going to be a fun year!
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